PREP TIME 5 mins
COOK TIME 30 mins
TOTAL TIME 35 m?n?
Pineapple Teriyaki Gl?z?:
- ? ?u? Kikkoman� L??? S?d?um T?r???k? Marinade & S?u??
- � ?u? ??n????l? juice
- 1 t?bl?????n d?j?n mu?t?rd
- 1 tablespoon brown ?ug?r
Stuffed Ch??k?n:
- 4 b?n?l??? ?k?nl??? ?h??k?n br???t? (th? ?lum??r the b?tt?r!)
- � t??????n ??lt
- � teaspoon ?????r
- 4 ?l???? ?f deli h?m
- 2 ??n????l? r?ng?, sliced ?n half t? ?r??t? half m??n ?h????
- 4 ?l???? provolone ?h????, ?l???d ?n h?lf
- M?k? the ??n????l? t?r???k? gl?z?: Wh??k together ?ll ?ngr?d??nt? ?n a small ??u????n. Bring th? m?xtur? to a b??l. R?du?? t? a ??mm?r ?nd ???k for ?b?ut 5 m?nut?? unt?l the m?xtur? has a ??ru?? t?xtur?.
- Gr?ll th? chicken: H??t th? gr?ll. S?r?nkl? th? ?h??k?n w?th salt and pepper. Grill th? ?h??k?n f?r 10-15 m?nut?? ??r ??d? ?r until th? ?h??k?n ?? ???k?d thr?ugh. Tr?n?f?r t? a plate ?nd l?t th? ?t r??t for a f?w m?nut??.
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