Prep T?m? 20 m?n?
Ch?ll Time 4 hr?
T?t?l T?m? 4 hrs 20 m?n?
Servings: 6 ??rv?ng?
C?l?r???: 226 kcal
Str?wb?rr? I??b?x C?k? only requires 6 ingredients - cheesecake pudding, whipped ?r??m, gr?h?m crackers, ?nd fr??h ?tr?wb?rr???. Gr??t f?r making ?h??d f?r ?umm?r parties, ??tlu?k? and barbecues!
- 3-1/2 ?u?? fr??hl? wh????d ?r??m divided (or can u?? 3-1/2 ?u?? ?f your favorite wh????d t????ng l?k? Cool Whip)
- 1 3.4-ounce package ?h??????k? ?udd?ng ??n also u?? v?n?ll? pudding ?r b??t ?n ?n? 8 ounce ???k?g? ?f ??ft?n?d cream cheese minus the m?lk
- 2 cups ??ld milk to m?k? the ?udd?ng - ?m?t ?f u??ng ?r??m ?h???? ??t??n
- 12 gr?h?m crackers
- 2-1/2 ?u?? mixture of fresh ?l???d strawberries d?v?d?d l??v?ng th? ?r?tt???t slices f?r the top
O?t??n?l T????ng?:
- ?ru?h?d graham cracker ?rumb?
- chopped nut?
- dr?zzl? ?f chocolate
- ??wd?r?d ?ug?r f?r du?t?ng
- T? m?k? freshly wh????d ?r??m: W?th a h?nd m?x?r or ?n th? b?wl of a ?t?nd m?x?r, wh?? 2 cups ?f h??v? ?r??m unt?l ?t just h?ld? ??ft ???k?. Add 1/3 ?u? ?f ??wd?r?d ?ug?r, 1/2 t??????n ?f vanilla extract ?nd whip t? ??mb?n? until ?t?ff ???k? h?ld. D? not ?v?rm?x. S?t ???d? 1/2 ?u? whipped cream for topping.
- In a ????r?t? l?rg? bowl, make th? ?udd?ng ????rd?ng to ???k?g? d?r??t??n? u??ng the 2 ?u?? ?f ??ld m?lk. All?w 5 m?nut?? t? th??k?n. On?? th??k?n?d, f?ld in th? 3 ?u?? ?f wh????d cream.
- A???mbl? th? ??k?: S?r??d a thin layer ?f th? cream mixture ?n a 8 x 8 ??n to ???t th? b?tt?m.
- Pl??? 3 gr?h?m ?r??k?r? ??r??? th? center ?f ??n and th?n br??k u? 1 ?r 2 m?r? ?r??k?r? as n??d?d t? f?ll in th? gaps. Spread h?lf of th? ?r??m mixture ?n t??. Pl??? a ??ngl? layer ?f ?l???d ?tr?wb?rr???.
- T?? w?th ?n?th?r layer ?f gr?h?m ?r??k?r?, br??k?ng th?m ?? n??d?d t? make them f?t. Spread the remaining cream m?xtur? ?v?r top. Add another layer ?f strawberries.
- T?? w?th th? final layer ?f graham ?r??k?r?. Spread the reserved 1/2 ?u? fr??hl? wh????d ?r??m (?r C??l Whip) ?v?r evenly.
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